14 apr 2013

"Contact Front!!" group buy NFM Heidrun

I get a lot of question concerning the availability of the NFM HEIDRUN chestrig. Well, at the moment its a one of a kind chestrig in BE camo. But thats about to change :-)

"Contact Front!!" is organising a group buy of the Heidrun chestrig and some additional pouches.

For those who didn't quite follow this blog, here's what we are talking about.


The group buy will consist out of the following items:


Off course, you don't need to buy the whole kit. Ordering multiple items is also no problem at all.

Please don't ask about prices about other NFM gear you want to order in BE camo. We don't just have the time to organize personal invoices and requests. The combination of this chestrig was chosen by myself and I can assure you, it works. And this without compromising on functionality and load bearing capacity. It’s still is a chestrig, right?

If you are interested, please drop a mail at contact.front.blog(at)gmail.com
I will then forward you the payment instructions and when paid, and only then, the order will be placed. Delivery can take up to 6 weeks.

I want to close the group buy on the 5th of May.

4 apr 2013

Additional IR patches

The response to the IR patches has been overwhelming.
Due to high demand I added some new designs. Custom made patches are also available.

BE Desert + Skull

Custom IR "Call Sign" patches