12 feb 2013

Gear stand

A while ago I saw a photo on the net of a wooden gearstand, easy to make and looked quite cool. Looked like a nice DIY project ;-)

Trying to retrieve the photo I came across the Immenent Threat Solution website which had a article on the stand. http://www.itstactical.com/intellicom/diy/how-to-build-a-tactical-gear-stand/
I based my project on the article and went shopping for some timber and iron.
So what did I need: (length in cm)
One 120 long 9 x 9 post
Two 60 long 2,5 x 9 posts
Four 45 long 3 x 5,5 posts 
20 deckscrews 10 long
20 washers

All the wooden post were standard sizes of 240 cm long and total price was about 40€. Nevertheless you have enough to make two stands. (Sometimes a necessity with all the gear lying arround ;-))

And this is the result:

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